24 October 2006

Flickritis !!!

I read these interesting lines from one of the groups i belong to in Flickr.com aptly titled "FLICKRITIS". If you think it sounds like 'Arthritis' you aint wrong..lol.. Though the list is building up everyday here are my favorities.

You know you have FLICKRITIS" when....

#1 The first thought you wake up with in the morning: What should I take a picture of today?

#2 You upload 3 or more versions of every photo: original, black and white, color cut out, HDR, color tinted....

#3 Instead of ink stains on your fingers, you notice a gradual change to flickr fingers... subconsciously pushing your finger down on an imaginary button even when not holding a camera

#4 You ask your mailman to pause for a second when he sends your mail through the slot so you can capture the moment with your camera. (And you were waiting at the door for him to come all morning!)

#5 On the public bus ride home from work, you gently move the person sitting across from you closer to the man wearing solid green to get a better color composition.

#6 While visiting the zoo, you get more glances than the animals in the exhibit. (What!?! Lying upside down parallel to the starfish aquarium glass is so normal!!)

#7 You're looking forward to seeing what comments your new photo got more than you are .... well.... almost anything!

7 Visitors shared their thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Hehehe......had a few laughs ....this takes the cake according to me ****closer to the man wearing solid green to get a better color composition.**** LMAO...hope u havent yet been ((COMPLETELY) taken over by this virus....((i mean i just hope ur at the recovering stage.)))hehehe......take care gal....n u know wat...someday even i wanna be bit by this virus/flickerbug!

Anonymous said...

ok.. the template is working now. It was a problem here i guess.
And.. gosh! being a flickriter, u still shoot n blog too. (no wonder u are an insomniac:)

well... I used to freeze people's actions and imagine them in photos :))
[But a more frightenting thing was losing sleep over maths during high school!! It drove me nuts with formulas messing up my head instead of dreams:)]

PS: Have u turned into a pro photographer?

Anonymous said...

*hush* any special reason for making the name public? :)

Anonymous said...

`archu` - thats my fav too, yet to do that in realtime though...so you know there is still some hope.
Get that cam and start clicking b4 you know you will be enjoying 'flickritis'..lol..

`sojo` - lets blame 'blogger' for that template thing.
Pro Photographer as in Flickr? no, not yet..i'm waiting for somebody to gift me that status in Flickr.
even otherwise i'm still learning so the right word is still 'amateur'!!

Anonymous said...

*hush* no spl reasons..just building a bridge between two worlds..to mean virtual and reality.

Anonymous said...

Have nice weekend ml.. May be i will start a fund raiser to make u a flickr pro if not a full pro :)

Anonymous said...

LOL, i have few of the symptoms hehehe.